
Camp Calm Season 4

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Camp Calm Season 4


Camp Calm is a 30-day virtual workshop for learning the basics of meditation and mindfulness, conducted mainly through email.

We'll be working from my guides on meditation and mindful living, and , reading a bit every day and practicing a bit every day.

Each day there will be a brief email, with a reflection or lesson, and the day's practice.

Included in the season pass:

  • 30 daily lessons via email
  • The Camp Calm Orientation Booklet
  • The 146-page digital guide You Are Here: A Modern Person's Guide to Living in the Present (In PDF, epub and Kindle)
  • The 80-page digital guide Making Things Clear: A Brief Guide for People Who Think Meditation is Hard (PDF, epub and Kindle)
  • Three audio guided meditations, in MP3 format, sent throughout the course
  • Access to the discussion forum
  • Prompt answers to your questions, to the best of my ability

Camp starts March 13th and runs till April 11th.

The idea is to invest a small amount of time every day for a month, and arrive on Day 30 with an established meditation practice and a much quieter mind.

I’m your guide for the camp, but I’m also going to be doing the practices with you. You can ask me questions any time.

How much time does it take? I’m kind of busy.

The daily email will probably take about 5 minutes to read. Most days I’ll assign a small amount of reading from the guides, usually about 5 to 10 minutes’ worth.

We will also be doing a short meditation every day. At the beginning it will only be a few minutes, and by the end of the month we’ll be experimenting with longer ones (up to 15-20 minutes).

Average time investment per day is about half an hour, which you can split up as you please. You could read the email at breakfast, read from the guides on your coffee break, and sit in meditation later on, or do it all first thing, or last thing—whatever works for your schedule.

In addition to meditation, we’ll be doing short mindful living practices throughout the day. These won’t take any additional time though, because you’ll be applying mindfulness to things you already do, such as walking, putting on clothes, preparing meals, and other things. They're easy and often really enjoyable.

It's going to be a lot of fun, and might just change your life. I hope you will join us.

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